Deggeller Attractions
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Deggeller Height Safety SignSafety at Deggeller Attractions is our top priority. Prior to opening, each piece of equipment is carefully inspected by a skilled midway manager and a ride superintendent using a certified inspection checklist, specific to each attraction. In addition to our daily inspections, our equipment is also inspected by local state and municipal inspection agencies and fire departments.

Each winter, we work extensively repairing, repainting, and refurbishing our equipment at Stuart, Florida based winter quarters. Our full service winter quarters facility allows us to do detailed inspections of our equipment and perform cosmetic updates such as lighting, painting, and graphics so that each piece of equipment is in top shape for your event.

Amusement rides constitute one of the safest forms of recreation available to the public.Bicycling, ATV recreation, skiing, watercraft, snowmobiling and numerous other similar participatory recreational activities lead to numerous more injuries and many more fatalities every year than those stemming from mobile amusement rides. Moreover, analysis of state amusement ride agency reports and the CPSC has reported that some 60% of ride related injuries are due to guest/rider behavior, such as intentionally rocking cars, standing up, defeating safety restraints, sitting improperly, etc., rather than mechanical failure or caused by the ride operator.

Check Your Height Before You Go

Before going to the fair, we highly recommend that you check the height requirements our our attractions using out Measure Up Tool.  Simply enter the height of your child, select the event you will be attending, and you will receive a list of rides and attractions that he/she can ride safely based on his/her height.

Check My Size

Follow the Rules

Below is a list of general rules that can help make your day at any carnival, fair, or amusement park even safer.

  • KEEP hands, arms and legs inside ride at all times.
  • USE safety equipment such as a seat belt, shoulder harness or lap bar when provided.
  • STAY in ride until it comes to a complete stop.
  • READ posted rules.
  • OBSERVE age, height and weight restrictions.
  • FOLLOW instructions of ride operator.

Safety Video

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